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There are many moral philosophies that impact decision

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There are many moral philosophies that impact decision
There are many moral philosophies that impact decision- making, which are defined in Chapter
6 of your text. With these philosophies in mind, complete the following in a three- to five- page
paper, excluding the title page and references page: Identify and discuss at least two of the
moral philosophies’ applications to business. Illustrate how moral philosophies can influence
behavior and decision making. Assess how moral philosophies may impact global strategic
planning. Identify and describe how companies can integrate moral philosophies into their
business practices. In addition to the textbook, reference at least three articles from the Ashford
University Library or other scholarly sources and industry reports. The assignment must be
formatted in accordance with APA style guidelines as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
Application of moral philosophies to business
Moral philosophies are the rules and guidelines which are used to judge what is right
and wrong. They define for a person what is moral and immoral. Followings are the two
applications of moral philosophies to business-
Organizational culture
Into the practical questions, business ethics can be defined as the extension of moral
philosophies. Finding out what is wrong and right in the organization is the usual thing that can
be done with moral philosophies but they are meant for something more. Owners of business
use moral philosophies developing their organizational cultures. They help their employees to
be aware of moral obligations while dealing with outside of the business and while dealing
with other within the organization. (Vitell, Rallapalli, & Singhapakdi, 1993)

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Ethical business practice can be developed at workplace with the aid of these moral
philosophies and they create the culture of honesty in the organization. Employees behave like
they are the true resources of the company who never disappoints the ethical environment in
the organization. (Ferrell, & Fraedrich, 2014)
Employee relations
Moral philosophies also help in developing the relations among the employees of the
organization. The relation between organization and its employees is another concern of
business ethics which are again derived from moral philosophies. Each of the organization
maintains a different relationship with its employee and on the basis of which it defines the
terms and type of their employment. Moral philosophies not only define the relationship of
employee relationship within the organization but they are also used outside the organization.
For example, outside the organization how the manager behaves with other employees and vice
versa. (Shultz, & BrenderIlan, 2004)
Moral philosophies influencing behavior and decision making
Moral philosophies influence behavior as each person is having his own way of
thinking. They can only be controlled with the moral values he has. Evaluation and judgments
continuously change in mind of human being. They think wrong and right according to their
values and moral. Incorporation the employee’s behaviors is defined by the moral philosophies
and are influenced by two fundamental gears- thinking about well being and what concern he
has for values. Moral philosophies let the people follow some rules and principles and by doing
this, they can easily determine what is wrong and what is right. (Bass, Barnett, & Brown, 1998)
Moral philosophies also determine decision making process. Because of corporate
culture, the decision making at workplace differs from personal decision making. All the
decision made within the organization is not only accountable for right or wrong but they are

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There are many moral philosophies that impact decision There are many moral philosophies that impact decision- making, which are defined in Chapter 6 of your text. With these philosophies in mind, complete the following in a three- to five- page paper, excluding the title page and references page: Identify and discuss at least two of the moral philosophies’ applications to business. Illustrate how moral philosophies can influence behavior and decision making. Assess how moral philosophies may impact global strategic planning. Identify and describe how companies can integrate moral philosophies into their business practices. In addition to the textbook, reference at least three articles from the Ashford University Library or other scholarly sources and industry reports. The assignment must be formatted in accordance with APA style guidelines as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center. Application of moral philosophies to business Moral philosophies are the rules and guidelines which are used to judge what is right and wrong. They define for a person what is moral and immoral. Followings are the two applications of moral philosophies to business- Organizational culture Into the practical questions, business ethics can be defined as the extension of moral philosophies. Finding out what is wrong and right in the organization is the usual thing that can be done with moral philosophies but they are meant for something more. Owners of business use moral philosophies developing th ...
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