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Role Of Women In Us Politics In Recent Years

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Political Science
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Surname 1 Student’s Name Instructor’s Name Course Title 11 August 2018 Role of Women in US Politics in Recent Years For many years, the United States has not achieved much in women’s representation in politics. It is much behind most established democracies. To close this gender gap, the U.S must try to copy and learn from European countries’ experiences to ensure that all the barriers are removed and proper institutional measures are put in place so as to realize equal political representation. It is unfortunate that women remain underrepresented in all levels of government; federal, state and local. However, some notable women have made strides in the U.S political arena. This includes Nancy Pelosi, Sarah Palin, and Hillary Clinton. The aim of this paper is to examine some of the contributions that have been made by these three key women in U.S politics. Hillary Clinton When Hillary Clinton announced that she was running for the presidency in the year 2007, she sent shockwaves across the U.S as the first female Democratic presidential frontrunner who was close to clinching the party nominations. She also rose to the powerful post of Secretary of State. In 2016 Hillary Cli ...
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