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STR 581, STR/581, Capstone - Week 2 Exam Solutions Latest - 28/29 correct

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1. The concept that some leadership attributes will work in some situations but not in others can
be described by the
behavioral theory
leadership effectiveness theory
tactical theory
contingency theory
2. Sam Meyers manages a telemarketing call center. He has 20 employees working for him who
are displeased with the way he yells and threatens to terminate them for what they see as small
issues. Which kind of power is Sam using to get the job done?
Referent power
Reward power
Coercive power
Legitimate power
3. Which of the following is considered an organizational blueprint, which prescribes the quantity
and time frame for when each end product will be assembled?
WBS (Work Breakdown Structure)

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ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning)
MRP (Material Requirements Plan)
MPS (Master Production Schedule)
4. In performing a SWOT analysis, which of the following would be considered as a threat?
Lack of a strategic plan
Increased product demand
Recognized brand
5. During the implementation of a project, which of the following should be the primary focus of a
consulting firm?
The correct project software
Application of the learning curve theory
Tools and materials availability

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1. The concept that some leadership attributes will work in some situations but not in others can be described by the behavioral theory leadership effectiveness theory tactical theory contingency theory 2. Sam Meyers manages a telemarketing call center. He has 20 employees working for him who are displeased with the way he yells and threatens to terminate them for what they see as small issues. Which kind of power is Sam using to get the job done? Referent power Reward power Coercive power Legitimate power 3. Which of the following is considered an organizational blueprint, which prescribes the quantity and time frame for when each end product will be assembled? WBS (Work Breakdown Structure) ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) MRP (Material Requirements Plan) MPS (Master Production Schedule) 4. In performing a SWOT analysis, which of the following would be considered as a threat? Competitors Lack of a strategic plan Increased product demand Recognized brand 5. During the implementation of a project, which of the following should be the primary focus of a consulting firm?  The correct project software  Application of the learning curve theory  Tools and materials availability  People management skills 6.Which of the following is considered a major process flow structure? Fabrication Lead Time Project Lean Manufacturing 7. Some studies indicate the best approach for transformational change may have the chief executive officer create an atmosphere ...
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