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CHAPTER 17 Workbook Answers
Cardiovascular Terminology
1. e
2. g
3. b
4. j
5. d
6. h
7. a
8. k
9. i
10. c
11. f
12. c
13. j
14. f
15. d
16. k
17. i
18. a
19. h
20. g
21. n
22. m
23. b
24. e
25. l
Answer the Following
26. pericardiocentesis
27. internally or externally, or intracardiac or external
28. pacemaker and implantable defibrillator
29. epicardial and transvenous 30. 78
31. no, suture removal is bundled into the pacemaker procedure
32. yes (because the service is unrelated to the
implantation) 33. 24
34. aortic, mitral, tricuspid, and pulmonary
35. patient-activated event recorder
36. coronary
37. reversible
38. irreversible
39. embolus
40. contrast material

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CHAPTER 17 Workbook Answers Theory Cardiovascular Terminology 1. e 2. g 3. b 4. j 5. d 6. h 7. a 8. k 9. i 10. c 11. f 12. c 13. j 14. f 15. d 16. k 17. i 18. a 19. h 20. g 21. n 22. m 23. b 24. e 25. l Answer the Following 26. pericardiocentesis 27. internally or externally, or intracardiac or external 28. pacemaker and implantable defibrillator 29. epicardial and transvenous 30. 78 31. no, suture removal is bundled into the pacemaker procedure 32. yes (because the service is unrelated to the implantation) 33. 24 34. aortic, mitral, tricuspid, and pulmonary 35. patient-activated event recorde ...
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