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PSYC 3002
Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)
Bachelor of Science in Psychology, Walden University
PSYC 3002: Introduction to Basic Statistics
Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)
1. The null hypothesis is that there will not be any significant differences in the group
mean anxiety scores. The alternative hypothesis is that there will be at least one group
with an anxiety reduction mean that is different from at least one other group’s mean.
According to Bjorkman (2015), hypothesis for ANOVA are different; we do not
predict all the means will differ, nor do we predict specific factor-level differences
when stating our null and alternative hypothesis because we are comparing multiple
groups at once.
2. The factor, or independent variable (Heiman, 2015), is the type of therapy the
participants received for their anxiety. The dependent variable is the anxiety levels
measured upon completion of the experiment.
3. The levels of the factor are “the conditions of the independent variable” (Heiman,
2015, Pg. 186). The levels in the provided scenario are the four different types of
therapy the participants received for their anxiety: behavioral, cognitive, biofeedback,
and medication.
4. According to Heiman (2015), to compute the degree of freedom between groups, take
the number of levels in the factors (k) and subtract it by 1 (df=k-1). Since there are
four levels of the factor in this scenario, the equation would look like this 4 1 = 3.
Thus, the degree of freedom between groups is 3.
5. According to Heiman (2015), the formula for the degree of freedom within groups is
the total number of participants (N) minus the total number of factors. There are 20

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participants in this study and there are 4 levels of factors. Therefore, 20 4 = 16. The
degree of freedom within groups is 16.
6. According to the SPSS output, the F value is equal to 13.749
7. The p value, using SPSS, is less than .001 (.000)
8. In this study, the results of the F test were highly significant with a p value that is less
than the 0.05 level of significance of .000, which means that at least one type of
therapy produced a different level of anxiety than the other three. Therefore, we
should reject the null hypothesis.
9. Prior to post hoc testing, psychologist can only conclude that differences in anxiety
scores do exist amongst the four methods of therapy. When we use a one-way
ANOVA, we are unable to conclude the actual relationships between the different
types of therapy and their anxiety scores. The is because the F statistic cannot indicate
which statistic means differ significantly (Heiman, 2015).
10. In this study, the results were statistically significant; therefore, the psychologist
should perform a post-hoc test. Performing the post hoc testing will allow us to see if
there is only one group that is significantly better than the others, or if differences in
effectiveness exist in all of the groups (Bjorkman, 2015).
The Tukey HSD results calculated in SPSS tell us the following:
First, in the significant levels for the behavioral group, there is not a not a significant
difference between behavioral and biofeedback or medication, but there is a
significant difference between behavioral and cognitive, which means that the
veterans that received cognitive therapy had a significantly different anxiety level
mean than the veterans that received behavioral therapy. Second, we can look at the
biofeedback group and see the only significant differences are between biofeedback
therapy group and cognitive therapy group, and the same goes for the medication

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PSYC 3002 Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) Bachelor of Science in Psychology, Walden University PSYC 3002: Introduction to Basic Statistics Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) 1. The null hypothesis is that there will not be any significant differences in the group mean anxiety scores. The alternative hypothesis is that there will be at least one group with an anxiety reduction mean that is different from at least one other group’s mean. According to Bjorkman (2015), hypothesis for ANOVA are different; we do not predict all the means will differ, nor do we predict specific factor-level differences when stating our null and alternative hypothesis because we are comparing multiple groups at once. 2. The factor, or independent variable (Heiman, 2015), is the type of therapy the participants received for their anxiety. The dependent variable is the anxiety levels measured upon completion of the exper ...
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