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Health & Medical
Nairobi University
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College Health and Medical
Evidence-Based Medicine Paper
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College Health and Medical
Evidence-Based Medicine Paper
Evidence-Based Medicine
There's no doubt that evidence in any situation is a plus factor for creating
concrete supporting data and reason to win or to prove something that is unsure
and causes hesitance. One of the fields which require good evidence is the
medicine which enables health practitioners to search for the most valuable
evidence that is available at hand for particular health care. Of course, good
shreds of evidence for evidence-based research need to be accompanied by
clinical expertise, the symptoms, and the understanding of patients' conditions
and values. Evidence-based medicine does not only contribute to the shareable
data and shreds of evidence which health practitioners can benefit from but also
support the patients in their decision-making in choosing the best alternatives for
the health conditions.
Concept of Evidence-Based Medicine
The origin of evidence-based medicine had started in the mid-19th century
which has been used to make reliable decisions for patient care (Topoi, 2020).
Evidence-based medicine consists of clinical judgment, relevant scientific
evidence, and patient's values and preferences that will result in a reliable study
for both present and future purposes. According to several research abstracts, the
weaknesses found from existing clinical practices bring more reason to create
clinical decision making through evidence-based medicine studies that specialize
in epidemiology (which tackles incidences, distributions, and possible control of
diseases and factors relating to well-being and health) and medical research.

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College Health and Medical 1 Evidence-Based Medicine Paper Name of Student Affiliation Due Date College Health and Medical 2 Evidence-Based Medicine Paper Evidence-Based Medicine There's no doubt that evidence in any situation is a plus factor for creating concrete supporting data and reason to win or to prove something that is unsure and causes hesitance. One of the fields which require good evidence is the medicine which enables health practitioners to search for the most valuable evidence that is available at hand for particular health care. Of course, good shreds of evidence for evidence-based research need to be accompanied by clinical expertise, the symptoms, and the understanding of patients' conditions and values. Evidence-based medicine does not only contribute to the shareable data and shreds of evidence which health practitioners can benefit from but also support the patients in their decision-making in choosing the best alternatives for the health conditions. Concept of Evidence-Based Medicine The origin of evidence-based medicine had started in the mid-19th century which has been used to make reliable decisions for patient care (Topoi, 2020). Evidence-based medicine consists of clinical judgment, relevant scientific evidence, and patient's values and preferences that will result in a reliable study for both present and future purposes. According to several research abstracts, the weaknesses found from existing clinical practices bring more reason to create ...
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