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Organizational Behavior

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Running head: LITERATURE REVIEW 1 Literature Review on Organizational Behavior in Business Name Institutional Affiliation LITERATURE REVIEW 2 Abstract The study of relationships within the organization helps to develop more efficient organizational systems. Organizational behavior is directly related to the corporate culture because it influences the beliefs and attitudes of the employees. The critical thing is that the business environment keeps changing and companies, therefore, have to develop new strategies that help them to fit in. However, this paper provides insight into the various ways in which organizational managers can adopt a corporate culture that is based on values that guide employee behavior. Similarly, this culture will help the organization to increase efficiency by tapping the strengths and skills of young employees to build lasting practices. LITERATURE REVIEW 3 Literature Review on Organizational Behavior in Business Introduction Organizational behavior refers to the way in which individuals interact within the organization. Organizations adopt the study of organizational behavior in an attempt to create more efficient regulatory systems. Efficiency, in this case, is achieved through the adoption of a scientific approach in decision making. A growing body of research shows that organizational behavior is directly influenced by corporate culture. This culture is what determines the attitudes and beliefs of individuals and determines the way in w ...
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