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Nrs 410 week 1 dq 2

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Week 1 DQ 2
Discuss what resources are often necessary for nonacute care for cardiorespiratory issues. Explain
how they support patient independence and decrease readmission.
COPD patients have the highest volume of readmission rates and CHF patients have the
highest 30-day readmission rate. (Griffith et al., 2021) Many resources are needed to help
cardiorespiratory patients after being discharged from the hospital. By doing this we can lower
hospital readmission rates. These post hospitalization patients require a team of healthcare
professionals when returning home. Cardiac rehabilitation typically includes exercise,
education, counseling, risk factor modification, and lifestyle changes. Upon discharge case
management will have to get involved to set up services for these patients. Home care is the
initial start to this. This allows a nurse to carefully follow patients and educate them. Much of
this care involves education on how to modify their everyday lifestyle with exercise and
nutrition. For example, cardiac patients it is important that they understand they should be on
a low sodium day and should avoid foods high in vit K. A counselor or psychosocial support
should also be assigned for a smoking cessation program. The case management team should
also coordinate DME if needed for their patients. This might include walker, wheelchairs, or
bedside commodes to help stabilize and allow the patient as much freedom as possible.
Cardiopulmonary patients may also need financial assistance or counseling for expensive
medications or equipment that are not covered by their insurance.
American Heart Association. (2018c). The American Heart Association's diet and lifestyle
recommendations. Retrieved from
Griffiths, S., Stephen, G., Kiran, T., & Okrainec, K. (2021). “She knows me best”: a qualitative study of
patient and caregiver views on the role of the primary care physician follow-up post-hospital discharge in
individuals admitted with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or congestive heart failure. BMC Family
Practice, 22(1), 19.

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Week 1 DQ 2 Discuss what resources are often necessary for nonacute care for cardiorespiratory issues. Explain how they support patient independence and decrease readmission. COPD patients have the highest volume of readmission rates and CHF patients have the highest 30-day readmission rate. (Griff ...
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