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Running Head: DISCUSSIONS 1 Discussions Institution Affiliation Date: DISCUSSIONS 2 Discussion 1 Articles from a vast of publications hold information from some of the topical issues. This includes the historical issues such as the early human and civilization. The BBC has brought about one of the best article discussing the early habitats of Europe. The article on Neanderthals is one rich resource that attracts everyone interested in the study of early life. The article brings about the understanding of the early Homo sapiens together with the Neanderthals. The article makes it clear that the early life was short of intelligence but despite their nature, they still had some intelligence. The article also shows that it would be probable that the early creatures had a hard in development of a certain form of culture as well as music. Music is expected to have played a great role in the lives of the creatures. The composition by Simon Thorne is such a rich content that suggests that the early life was so enthusiastic about music and such compositions. Looking back at the life of the creatures, it is worthwhile saying that the early life used communication as the humans do. Ther ...
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