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Lgbt In The Society

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Diablo Valley College
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Equality for LGBT in the Society
Institutional Affiliation
Date of Submission

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There is a history that precedes every contentious issue. Lesbian, homosexual, bisexual,
and transgender individuals have steadily gained acceptability over the previous several decades,
from deplorable levels in the 1970s to a full majority now. As such, it is a frequent
misconception that LGBT is a recent development in social structure. However, according to
“The Gay Rights” article, following the beginning of the contemporary gay rights movement in
1962, society began to debate homosexuality in the course of twentieth century (
Editors). People used to think of homosexual rights as a "curable" or "mental disease," but
today's society is delving further into the biology, psychology, history, and cultural variances of
sexual practice and orientation. Most individuals assume that LGBT persons choose to be
homosexual or that they are passing through a stage. Not only are LGBT rights a controversial
topic for Americans today, but they are particularly so for LGBT persons who are already
discriminated against. This paper contends that no two individuals in love should ever be
deprived of their human rights because of their biological sex and that LGBT society should be
acknowledged nationally and internationally.
The protection of LGBT persons has deteriorated over time, posing a danger to their well-
being. In 1996, “Congress approved DOMA largely in response to Bachr v. Lewin, a case in which
the Hawaii Supreme Court found that” limiting marriage “to male-female couples discriminates
on the basis of sex” in the article “The First Major Same-Sex Marriage Case: Baehr v. Lewin
(Miike)” (FindLaw Team). Furthermore, according to another article by Tvt, “TMM Update Trans
Day of Remembrance 2018”, between October 2017 and September 2018, a wave of violence
towards trans persons took the lives of an estimated 369 people. LGBTI individuals are frequently
hounded on the streets, brutally beaten, and even murdered just because of who they are.
Additionally, many LGBT persons all over the globe are compelled to endure risky, intrusive, and
entirely unneeded operations that can have long-term physical and psychological consequences.
This is also evident in a report published by The Guardian, titled “Gay Relationships Are Still
Criminalized in 72 Countries, Report Finds”, where in 72 nations, same-sex sexual relations are
illegal, and in 9 nations, such as Iran, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, and Yemen, it is punishable by death.
Although these strict policies are rarely implemented, their mere presence promotes discrimination
towards LGBT individuals, making them feel powerless in the face of intimidation, extortion, and
abuse. Hostility toward LGBTI persons, on the other hand, is often fueled by these same
regulations and authorities who are supposed to be safeguarding them. It is clear that LGBTI

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1 Equality for LGBT in the Society Name Course Institutional Affiliation Date of Submission 2 There is a history that precedes every contentious issue. Lesbian, homosexual, bisexual, and transgender individuals have steadily gained acceptability over the previous several decades, from deplorable levels in the 1970s to a full majority now. As such, it is a frequent misconception that LGBT is a recent development in social structure. However, according to “The Gay Rights” article, following the beginning of the contemporary gay rights movement in 1962, society began to debate homosexuality in the course of twentieth century ( Editors). People used to think of homosexual rights as a "curable" or "mental disease," but today's society is delving further into the biology, psychology, history, and cultural variances of sexual practice and orientation. Most individuals assume that LGBT persons choose to be homosexual or that they are passing through a stage. Not only are LGBT rights a controversial topic for Americans today, but they are particularly so for LGBT persons who are already discriminated against. This paper contends that no two individuals in love should ever be deprived of their human rights because of their biological sex and that LGBT society should be acknowledged nationally and internationally. The protection of LGBT persons has deteriorated over time, posing a danger to their wellbeing. In 1996, “Congress approved DOMA largely in response to Bac ...
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