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Running Head: RELIGION 1 Religion Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation Due Date RELIGION RELIGION Essay 1 Abraham Abraham also referred in the Holy Bible as the father of faith lived originally in Canaan before moving to Canaan where he was directed by God. Abraham’s father was Terah and he had two brothers; Haran and Nahor. Abraham’s wife was Sarah who was barren. With Sarah, they gave birth to Isaac, who was the heir that God had promised to Abraham. There are several key events that happened in Abraham’s life. For instance, when Abraham was at the age of 75 years and his wife Sarah was barren, God promised him a son who will be his heir. Sarah biologically was past giving birth or menopause and she was a barren too. But Abraham believed God fully and God fulfilled His promise and blessed Abraham with a son at the age of 99 years who became his heir. Also, Abraham believed in God's command to move for his father's land to the land that God would show him. Without knowing the direction and the God that talked to him, Abraham obeyed and faithfully to the promised land which truly God showed him. Abraham, full of faith, followed the directions from God until he came to Canaan, the Promised Land. Abraham's great faith in God also caused him to believe that God would still give him a son at their old age and with his wife Sarah who was also barren hence getting the descendants as many as the stars in the sky. Due to his faith, God fulfilled His promise to them. ...
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