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Gender Violence

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Running head: VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN Violence Against Women Students Name Institutional Affiliation Course Date VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN 2 Violence Against Women Home is said to be the most dangerous place for women who experience domestic violence. Domestic violence is the behavior of a person so as to gain power and control over a family member or spouse. This means that domestic violence is not physical violence alone. The woman is known as the weak one in the society is highly prone to domestic violence unlike the man himself. Abuse is a behavior that is learned. In some cases, men tend to feel more powerful through wife battering and it also makes them feel more in control. Women tend to experience Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) because of what they go through. These include nightmares, uncontrollable thoughts, flashbacks and severe anxiety. Domestic violence turns the victim into a very scared person and tends to lead to so many negative effects like low self-esteem and questioning themselves. The woman often questions her self-worth and this leads to anxiety and depression. When the victim gets depressed thoughts on murder or suicide tend to cross her mind as she is not getting any help from a counselor. The woman tends to really get scared as she is always uneasy around people and finds it so hard to trust anyone which is why she cannot seek help. She is often confused about making decisions to do anything with fear of being beaten up or harassed. The woman ...
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