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American University of Sharjah
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Montaigne defined essay as an attempt. What is the essayist attempting to do?
The essayist tries to answer questions on “what is an essay” by sharing what she knows in
relation to essay writing tools. She focuses on using Montaigne definition of an essay and
engaging other writers, her family members, potential essays and her own books.
• What is the benefit of the essay’s “single reading” quality?
It allows the writers to express themselves well.
• What does Montaigne mean in his definition of the essay when he says: “accessible
Montaigne means the form of language that should be used when sharing an experience with
someone. He emphasizes that a true story needs to be based on the actual matter when told.
Why is this important to the essay form?
It is important in the essay form as it plays the central purpose which is individuals representing
the universal.
Why do you think Montaigne makes “direct experience with subject matter” a quality of
Montaigne uses direct experience with subject matter in referring to a quality essay as he
believes in its ability to consider the public good.
• What are the benefits and drawbacks of Lopate’s definition of the essay as a “flexible and
adaptable form”?
The benefit of Lopate’s definition of essays is beneficial as it is flexible enough to accommodate
all shapes and styles. However, the form is misleading as the essay resists definition.
• What are some clichés about the school essay, formal and informal?

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1 Video Questions Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation Date 2 • Montaigne defined essay as an attempt. What is the essayist attempting to do? The essayist tries to answer questions on “what is an essay” by sharing what she knows in relation to essay writing tools. She focuses on using Montaigne definition of an essay and engaging other writers, her family members, potential essays and her own books. • What is the benefit of the essay’s “single reading” quality? It allows the writers to express themselves well. • What does Montaigne mean in his definition of the essay when he says: “accessible language”? Montaigne means the form of language that should be used when sharing an experience with someone. He emphasizes that a true story needs to be based on the actual matter when told. • Why is this important to the essay form? It is important in the essay ...
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