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Lbc swot analysis

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LBC SWOT Analysis
1. Country’s leading remittance and courier company.
LBC Express, Inc. is a trusted name in the country since it was founded in 1945
when it comes to ensuring the delivery of documents, mail, parcels, boxes and
cargo of all shapes and sizes.
2. Pioneer in the industry.
LBC pioneered time-sensitive express delivery and cargo shipping and 24-hour
door-to-door delivery in the Philippines. Its peak business years of the early 2000s
have made the LBC a common household name.
3. High-quality service.
In providing services to Filipinos, LBC has built its reputation of being credible and
reliable. It's the job they have excelled in for over 70 years, making them the
Preferred Freight Forwarding Company in 2016.
4. Variety of services.
LBC has a wide selection of services for consumers and businesses. It
continuously extends its services by offering online remittances, reverse logistics,
and cross-docking, among others.
5. Number of operating branches nationwide.
LBC offers the most extensive coverage and network. It has established 1,466
company-owned branches, 75 cargo and money outlets, and 1,021 partner-agent
branches across Europe, Middle East, Oceania, Asia Pacific, and North America.
Including remittance partners, their reach spans over 500,000 locations covering
more than 200 countries and areas of the world.
1. More costly than competitors.
The price rates of LBC Express for their shipping services are more expensive
than other courier providers. Potential customers are more likely to avail their
competitors' services in sending packages, which are more affordable and
2. Lapses in performance of service.
These lapses include items being lost or damaged in shipment, delayed deliveries,
and misroute packages attributed to a human or technological error in sorting
centers. It then results in unsatisfied customers. They also lack automatic updates
of package location; so many customers cannot accurately track their packages.

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3. Delayed money remittance.
Aside from difficulties in sending parcels, LBC also experiences a delay in money
remittance. Their system has been encountering technical problems through these
4. Low number of cargo delivery.
LBC does not have much available cargo delivery of products for businesses. Like
2GO, their competitors have better cargo delivery of products that cater to large
companies' shipping needs.
1. Influx of rising online businesses.
The growing number of online businesses and online sellers is an opportunity for
LBC Express, Inc. to increase its income. The emergence of e-commerce for small
and medium enterprises may lead to more deliveries that LBC can accommodate.
It then entails a promising growth and expansion of the company's coverage.
2. High demand on shipping.
As the world is still under a pandemic, the need for shipping is extremely high
because people prefer delivering goods and products to them and not meeting up.
3. Launch of digital services.
Online platforms fast-track business transactions by giving social sellers a tracking
service for their packages and flexible collection. LBC Connect, their official mobile
application, provides a faster and easier way to track and trace multiple LBC
4. New developments in technological innovations.
LBC always keeps its eyes on the latest technological innovations products that
can further enhance its people's technical capabilities and the company itself.
1. New competitors are entering the market.
This variable significantly affects the number of customers availing of their
services. Newly established courier providers or foreign companies penetrating the
Philippine Market have not made it easy for LBC to dominating the market.
2. Other couriers that offer the same services.
Aside from new competitors, there are existing local express deliveries that are
more convenient for other customers. These couriers include Ninja Van, Grab
Express, Lalamove, and Motorcycle Riders Association.
3. Occurrence of unforeseeable events.
One of the threats in the shipping industry is inclement weather conditions and

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LBC SWOT Analysis STRENGTHS 1. Country’s leading remittance and courier company. LBC Express, Inc. is a trusted name in the country since it was founded in 1945 when it comes to ensuring the delivery of documents, mail, parcels, boxes and cargo of all shapes and sizes. 2. Pioneer in the industry. LBC pioneered time-sensitive express delivery and cargo shipping and 24-hour door-to-door delivery in the Philippines. Its peak business years of the early 2000s have made the LBC a common household name. 3. High-quality service. In providing services to Filipinos, LBC has built its reputation of being credible and reliable. It's the job they have excelled in for over 70 years, making them the Preferred Freight Forwarding Company in 2016. 4. Variety of services. LBC has a wide selection of services for consumers and businesses. It continuously extends its services by offering online remittance ...
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