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Literature Questions

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INSERT SURNAME HERE1 Literature questions Institutional affiliation Date Question one The persona in the poem is not very clear to whom the message is directed to. However, there is an indication that there is an aspect of mutual feeling between the parties involved. In reference to the parties involved, we talk about the persona and the person who in this case could be a lover or a friend for there is some sense of memories the two have had together in the past as the term luxury indicates there has been social interaction. Question two The message that she is passing is about how much the human brain capable of doing so many things that are of great use and importance for the fact that it is able to do so many things at one go. From the poem we see the persona saying that the mind can think things about the sky and at the same time things regarding the same person who is thinking about the sky. Question three In her poetry, there is an influence of religion. This is brought by the persona in the poem citing that the brain is the weight of God and goes ahead to emphasize on how that is on the extreme. However, this is may also bring about an aspect of blasphemy trying to compare G ...
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