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Benefits and need for stem

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Benefits of STEM/ STEAM Education
Student's Name
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Course Name and Number
Professor's Name

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Benefits of STEM/ STEAM Education
This paper's main objective is to discuss the benefits and the need to implement STEM
and STEAM education for elementary school children, especially the underrepresented
minorities and girls. STEM and STEAM education are critical components of the education
system. The education model promotes critical thinking and reasoning skills and learning that is
student-centered rather than teacher-centered. Several studies have indicated an under-
representation of females and the minority groups in the current STEM labor force. The present
study explores STEM and STEAM education and the various benefits of STEM and STEAM
education when implemented in elementary education stage for girls and the underrepresented
minorities. The paper has also discussed STEAM and STEM with a keen focus on elementary
education of both the girls and minor unrepresented communities.
STEM, STEAM, education, underrepresented minorities, girls, education
The 21st century is marked by rapid developments in technology and sciences, with the
current world demanding for individuals and employees competent in science, engineering,
technology and mathematics, and people. The market demands professionals and experts who
can integrate innovation and creativity into the professions. Therefore, the current world's needs
require that graduates are well equipped with a thorough understanding of various disciplines,
including science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. The current education system has

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1 Benefits of STEM/ STEAM Education Student's Name Institutional Affiliation Course Name and Number Professor's Name Date 2 Benefits of STEM/ STEAM Education Abstract This paper's main objective is to discuss the benefits and the need to implement STEM and STEAM education for elementary school children, especially the underrepresented minorities and girls. STEM and STEAM education are critical components of the education system. The education model promotes critical thinking and reasoning skills and learning that is student-centered rather than teacher-centered. Several studies have indicated an underrepresentation of females and the minority groups in the current STEM labor force. The present study explores STEM and STEAM education and the various benefits of STEM and STEAM education when implemented in elementary education stage for girls and the underrepresented minorities. The paper has also discussed STEAM and STEM with a keen focus on elementary education of both the girls and minor unrepresented communities. Keywords STEM, STEAM, education, underrepresented minorities, girls, education Introduction The 21st century is marked by rapid developments in technology and sciences, with the current world demanding for individuals and employees competent in science, engineering, technology and mathematics, and people. The market demands professionals and experts who can integrate innovation and creativity into the professions. Therefore, the current world's needs require th ...
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