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Hum Fox1100 Exploring Cultures Adapting In A Global World

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Cultural Studies
Capella University
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Heroic Qualities Analysis
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Assessment 3: Heroic Quality Analysis
1. Describe the artifact you selected on which you will analyze the heroic
qualities. Be sure to identify the culture.
Based on chapter 6, I have selected David and Goliath by BibleGateway as the
artifact to explore in this assessment. It talks about the battle between David and
Goliath. In terms of the artifact, the sling used by David to kill Goliath is selected to be
the main artifact. When David used the sling to kill Goliath, he became a hero because
it was an inferior weapon compared to bronze helmet, bronze armor, and bronze javelin
belonging to Goliath of Philistine (BibleGateway, n.d.). Therefore, the sling depicted
David's heroic qualities because he did not fear all the weapons held by Goliath. He
desired to kill six cubits Philistine (Goliath) who had terrorized the Israelites
(BibleGateway, n.d.). In that regard, David's ability to face his fears enabled him to kill
Goliath, this setting the Israelites free. The sling used by David belongs to the Israelites
2. Explain how learning about this topic can help you develop a better
understanding of the cultures represented in the artifacts.
Typically, this topic enhances our understanding of the artifacts' culture. For
example, manuscripts, tools, artwork, and pottery fall under cultural artifacts. Different
groups may have artifacts with various similarities and differences based on technology,
social complexity, and interaction with neighbors. Based on the story of David and
Goliath, we understand that the Israelite and Philistine cultures had engaged in a
conflict that brought hostility. Therefore, they had met to fight to settle the scores by
ensuring the loser becomes the winner's servant. Goliath is equipped with strong

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Running Head: HEROIC QUALITIES ANALYSIS Heroic Qualities Analysis Student’s Name Institution Affiliation Course Details Date 1 HEROIC QUALITIES ANALYSIS 2 Assessment 3: Heroic Quality Analysis 1. Describe the artifact you selected on which you will analyze the heroic qualities. Be sure to identify the culture. Based on chapter 6, I have selected David and Goliath by BibleGateway as the artifact to explore in this assessment. It talks about the battle between David and Goliath. In terms of the artifact, the sling used by David to kill Goliath is selected to be the main artifact. When David used the sling to kill Goliath, he became a hero because it was an inferior weapon compared to bronze helmet, bronze armor, and bronze javelin belonging to Goliath of Philistine (BibleGateway, n.d.). Therefore, the sling depicted David's heroic qualities because he did not fear all the weapons held by Goliath. He desired to kill six cubits Philistine (Goliath) who had terrorized the Israelites (BibleGateway, n.d.). In that regard, David's ability to face his fears enabled him to kill Goliath, this setting the Israelites free. The sling used by David belongs to the Israelites culture. 2. Explain how learning about this topic can help you develop a better understanding of the cultures represented in the artifacts. Typically, this topic enhances our understanding of the artifacts' culture. For example, manuscripts, tools, artwork, and pottery fall under cultural artifacts. Different gr ...
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