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1 Running header: CORRUPTION Billion-dollar bribery scandal (Student’s name) (Institution affiliation) 2 CORRUPTION Billion-dollar bribery scandal Case 1: Oil industry transaction. Q1. I was very much surprised by the interrelationship between politics and business. The interrelationship of these two subjects was based on bribery and corruption. Despite chapter 5 sections 5.1 of anti-bribery and corruption act in the shell cord of conduct, shell and Eni still engaged in bribery and corruption where they paid a sum of $ 1.1 billion to the Nigerian government for the purposes of acquiring oil block OPL 245. As stipulated in chapter5 section 5.4 of the anti-money laundering act, shell officials are not allowed to deal with criminals. But in the case of Mr. Etete a Nigerian politician who was already convicted of money laundry, shell and Eni went ahead and transacted business with him. Q2. The payment will be questionable because the owners of Malabu were convicted money launderers. The payment, on the other hand, should have been questioned because chapter 5 section 5.1 and 5.4 of the shell cord of conduct states clearly that shell officials should not deal with criminals knowingly. The evidence produced in court proceedings suggested that shell executives knew that Malabu owners were criminals but continued with their agreement. This agreement undermined chapter 5 section 5.4 of shell cord of conduct. Q3. I could have said the money paid was meant to purchase a 50% stake ...
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Really helpful material, saved me a great deal of time.


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