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Ethical And Legal Issues The Human Service

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Running head: ETHICAL AND LEGAL ISSUES THE HUMAN SERVICE Ethical and legal issues the human service Student’s name: Institutional affiliation: 1 ETHICAL AND LEGAL ISSUES THE HUMAN SERVICE 2 Ethical and legal issues the human service 1. Discuss an area in which you might be uncertain about your position in an unethical dilemma with a client. What about an unethical encounter with a colleague? Discuss your ambiguities. How might you manage your professional position ethically? One common ethical dilemma in social work occurs when dealing with minor. Breach of confidentiality against agreed upon conditions with the minors can cause lack of trust between the client and the human services professional (Reamer, 2013). Minors can have disturbing personal stories, or issues, or addictions and might agree to tell the human services professional only when they promise not to tell their parents or guardians. This is usually a complicated scenario, considering that the guardian is the one that brought the minors for counselling. The final decision lies with the human service professional, to decide whether to breach the confidentiality of the information conveyed or keep it a secret ( ...
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