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NATURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF IGNEOUS ROCKS Introduction • From the previous lectures you can now state the basic concepts concerned the formation of the earth and illustrate its complete structure and composition. • You can also derive the basic concepts of elementary crystallography and mineralogy. • You can distinguish the physical properties of at least a few mineral species. • At this level you can define minerals and crystals and outline their classification. • Introduction (cont…) •The knowledge equips you to be ready to go to the next step and learn more about rocks. •Rocks are the most common materials of the earth and are classified according to their mode of formation. •There are three types Igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic rocks. •Igneous are the most abundant type of rock in the earth crust. Objectives • At the end of this lecture you should be able to :  Define what a rock is  Describe the mode of formation of igneous rock.  Summarize the main difference between volcanic and plutonic rocks.  Illustrate and explain the common textures of igneous rocks.  Discuss the classification and mode of occurrence of igneous rocks  Give example of common igneous rocks. Rocks • Rocks are naturally occurring solid, cohesive aggregates of one or more minerals. • Most rocks are aggregates of minerals particles, which are crystals, more or less perfectly formed from fragments. • The size of particles, their arrangements and ...
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