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Stress Management 1.2

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Amberton University
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Relationship between Growth, Comfort Cone, and Fear
Student’s Name
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Growth is physical or mental development, particularly in a quantifiable manner and it can
be measured or influenced genetically. A Comfort zone is a state in behavior in which an individual
operates in the anxiety-neutral condition through a limited ideology in delivering a steady
performance without a sense of risk. In comfort zones, people do not reach new heights in terms
of performance. Fear is a powerful human emotion endowed with primitivism. Fear is alerts people
of the certainty of danger hence affiliated to the emotional response. Growth is driven by the urge
to attain a specific goal. Once an individual attains their vision or mission, they are said to have
grown to some level. The comfort zone kicks in when someone thinks they have attained their
ultimate goal. The Comfort zone is where an individual feels nice and easy. Equally, in the conform
zone, there is no growth of any form because the person is willing to stay at that level. Many people
remain in their comfort zones because there is no stress involved in it or any form of anxious
Fear is the perception of threat, and it inhibits any form of growth. When someone thinks
of challenges they might face in doing an activity, they become less productive. Less productive
ventures inhibit growth. People retaliate their fears by slowing down a process, stopping the
ventures or even shutting down due to dangers that their psychological realism keeps sending in
their minds. Chronic fear elevates comfort zones. When someone is prone to fear, they tend to
maintain their level of activity. Someone can also be categorized in the comfort zone because they
fear growth. Comfort zones encourage laziness and neuroticism. The relationship between fear
and comfort zones is the combined effort of developing a feeling of sensation, thereby releasing a
chemical in the brain like glutamate and adrenaline. The chemicals are released when the undesired
situation arises. People who envy growth move out of their comfort zones and fear spectrums.

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1 Relationship between Growth, Comfort Cone, and Fear Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation Course Name Instructor Due Date 2 Growth is physical or mental development, particularly in a quantifiable manner and it can be measured or influenced genetically. A Comfort zone is a state in behavior in which an individual operates in the anxiety-neutral condition through a limited ideology in delivering a steady performance without a sense of risk. In comfort zones, people do not reach new heights in terms of performance. Fear is a powerful human emotion endowed with primitivism. Fear is alerts people of the certainty of danger hence affiliated to the emotional response. Growth is driven by the urge to attain a specific goal. Once an individual attains their vision or mission, they are said to have grown to some level. The comfort zone kicks in when someone thinks they have attained t ...
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