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Globalization And Healthcare

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Health & Medical
Trident University International
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Running Head: GLOBALIZATION AND HEALTH Globalization and Health Name Institutional Affiliation Date 1 GLOBALIZATION AND HEALTH 2 Introduction Globalization is the worldwide interaction of people, businesses, and governments. The internet and fast travel from one place to another have highly promoted globalization which currently affects almost every aspect of life in the world. One of the areas that the impact of globalization can be felt is in healthcare. Doctors can now share information, research, and medications from time to time which influences it in different ways. Globalization has especially had a lot of impact on human health in the United States which is mostly positive. This text will discuss how globalization has impacted human health in the United States. Impact of Globalization on human health in the United States The impact of globalization on American human health is both positive and negative. One of the positive impacts of globalization on American health is the sharing of critical information on various issues. American professionals have access to a large database of research and related information from many countries which they can use for the treatment or encompass in their research. This has enabled professionals to come up with better care methods and medications which have proven to have positive impacts on human health (Komatsu et al, 2010). The other positive impact is the availability of foreign medication in the market. Patients in the cou ...
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