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Trends In Evaluation Vocabulary.edited

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Running head: TRENDS IN EVALUATION VOCABULARY TRENDS IN EVALUATION VOCABULARY Student name: Course: Institution affiliation: 1 TRENDS IN EVALUATION VOCABULARY 2 TRENDS IN EVALUATION VOCABULARY Impact evaluation glossary. (2010). Journal of Development Effectiveness, 2(1), 187-194. doi: 10.1080/19439340903580737 The glossaries appear differently. This is because some comprise of single words while some comprise of multiple words with a minimum of two words and a maximum of five words. For example attribution, attention, average treatment effect, before versus after, baseline survey and baseline data, etc. The glossaries also differ in terms of the explanation given. For instance, in this resource, some glossaries have a definition and explanation of just one sentence while other are defined and explained using a whole paragraph. The term "bias" is defined in just one sentence whereas the term "blinding" is defined and explained using for sentences that form a paragraph. Therefore, the length of the definition and explanation provided for the glossaries create a difference in the appearance of the glossaries. Some appear short while some appear long. This difference in appearance can just be noted through observation. Glossary of Terms and Acronyms. (2012). Asian Politics & Policy, 4(1), 9-13. doi: 10.1111/j.1943-0787.2011.01316.x There is a lot of similarities in the appearance of the glossaries in this resource. This is because almost all the glossaries are made of acr ...
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