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According to St. Thomas, faith 1. Overcomes doubt in metaphysics 2. Enables 3. Adds moral choice to what is naturally available to reason 4. Requires an irrational commitment of the will St. Paul explains that men have degraded the sublime nature of God in their imagination to that of animals because 1. They cannot bear the thought that, like animals, their souls end at death 2. They wish to destroy the animal kingdom and all religious activity with it 3. They wish to lower the divine standard to the animal level in order to justify their own misconduct 4. They wish to craft idols to worship, and animal forms are appealing to the human imagination St. Paul explains that what trait occurs in human beings prior to their evil choices? 1. Mental illness 2. Truth-suppression 3. Criminology 4. Lawlessness in isolation St. Augustine argues that the pagan philosophers failed to acknowledge the full conditions on human happiness because 1. They could not identify a means for the cosmic re-ordering necessary for human happiness 2. They rejected the theism at the core of Pauline metaphysical theology 3. They were dishonest to the core, though some of their students did achieve enlightenment 4. They followed Socrates To help educate the Guardians in public-mindedness, Socrates suggests what principle? 1. That women remain subservient to military men 2. That everyone in the city study philosophy 3. That rulers be compelled to serve 4. That all things be held in common Accord ...
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