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Pharmacology Question On Drug

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Ajman University of Science and Technology
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Reality and Myth of the Expiry Date of Drugs
Students Name: Abdullah Kadhum
ID: 20171149
Institutional Affiliation: Ajman University of Science and Technology
Course: Pharmacology
Date: 8
September 2021

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Reality and Myth of the Expiry Date of Drugs
One of the questions that people ask themselves when they find expired drugs prescribed
previously is whether they are safe to consume. For example, people may argue that when the
appearance of the drugs and taste is ok, the drugs are effective for consumption. On the other
hand, another person may be fearful of consuming drugs that have passed their expiry dates. In
this the paper, I will consider discussing the reality and myth of the expiry date of medications.
The expiry date of medication is considered a reality due to some factors. First, when
manufacturers indicate the expiry date, they require the user to place the drugs in a favourable
area. For example, the manufacturers may need users to place their medications in a cool, dry
place. This indicates that when people place their drugs in the bathroom, they might contact
water. According to Gikonyo et al. (2019), users are advised not to place medications in hot cars
or places with a lot of light. This would contribute to the decomposition of the elements that
make drugs and may lead to side effects for users. The side effect contributed by the
decomposition of drugs indicates that expiry date of medication is a reality.
According to Gikonyo et al. (2019), another factor that makes the expiry date of
medication a reality is how the expiry date is evaluated. This means that before the expiry dates
are labelled in the drug, the drug undergoes various processes to determine its effectiveness. For
example, in the United States, drug manufacturers are required to ensure drugs have specific
standards of identity. According to Gikonyo et al. (2019), the standard of identity is where a drug
name is described, the ingredients, and how it can be used. Another aspect considered under the
expiry date evaluation is its strength. This is where drug manufacturers need to indicate the most
effective time to use the drug. For example, the manufacture may be required to evaluate when
the drug gives a maximum result to the user. According to Gikonyo et al. (2019), another aspect
considered when assessing the expiry date of drugs is the purity and quality of the medications.
The expiry date evaluation process indicates that it is a reality. This is because when the drugs
are effective at a particular time, their life span is decreasing and might be inappropriate to users.
Different governments require that expired drugs be disposed of through their agencies,
such as the United States Centre for Drug Evaluation and Research. This means that even
medications purchased by governments and stored in public pharmacies and they have expired
be decomposed and replaced with new ones. For example, the United States hospital is identified
to be disposing of more than 4.7 million pounds of drugs each year (Thiel & Vukelich, 2020).
Additionally, the United States government spent more than five billion in the management of
expired medications. This indicates that the government cannot recycle expired drugs since they
might contribute to side effects to users. If the expiry date of the drugs were not real, the
government would have given an order for the drugs to be prescribed to patients to minimize
wastage. This would reduce wastage and expenses incurred in the management of expired
The efficacy of drugs is another factor that makes their expiry date to be a reality. The
efficacy of drugs refers to the maximum results that would be yield after using a particular dose.
This means that when patients take drugs, they may have comprehensive, partial, or no response.
The response that would be attained from the dose taken will be determined by the quality of the
drug (Thiel & Vukelich, 2020). For example, when the drug capacity to heal a disease decreases
over time, the patient may be required to take more drugs to attain the same result. This means
that the expiry date of medication is real and affects the response of patient diseases.
Another factor that makes the expiry date of drugs to be considered real is the potency.
Potency refers to the number of medicines that are required to affect users. For example, the dose

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1 Reality and Myth of the Expiry Date of Drugs Students Name: Abdullah Kadhum ID: 20171149 Institutional Affiliation: Ajman University of Science and Technology Course: Pharmacology Date: 8th September 2021 2 Reality and Myth of the Expiry Date of Drugs One of the questions that people ask themselves when they find expired drugs prescribed previously is whether they are safe to consume. For example, people may argue that when the appearance of the drugs and taste is ok, the drugs are effective for consumption. On the other hand, another person may be fearful of consuming drugs that have passed their expiry dates. In this the paper, I will consider discussing the reality and myth of the expiry date of medications. The expiry date of medication is considered a reality due to some factors. First, when manufacturers indicate the expiry date, they require the user to place the drugs in a favourable area. For example, the manufacturers may need users to place their medications in a cool, dry place. This indicates that when people place their drugs in the bathroom, they might contact water. According to Gikonyo et al. (2019), users are advised not to place medications in hot cars or places with a lot of light. This would contribute to the decomposition of the elements that make drugs and may lead to side effects for users. The side effect contributed by the decomposition of drugs indicates that expiry date of medication is a reality. According to Gikonyo et al. (2019), another f ...
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