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Running head: DATA COLLECTION IN CRIMINAL JUSTICE Data Collection in Criminal Justice Student’s Name Institution 1 2 DATA COLLECTION IN CRIMINAL JUSTICE Describe one or two of the most effective methods of data collection related to a criminal justice organization. Based on the two articles “The Kansas City Preventive Patrol Study” and “Oregon Prison Tackles Solitary Confinement With Blue Room Experiment” as well as further information from the internet, it is evident Survey Research is a data collection method in criminal justice that is most effective. This method is quite critical in conducting criminal justice research as it effectively helps the researcher in gathering quality primary data (Hagan, 2010). Largely, surveys are known to be approaches to questioning a group or sampling people so as to gain insights from a population. This method played an important role facilitating the experiments from the two articles to be successful. For instance, through the use of survey research for Kansas City Preventive Patrol study data collection, the Kansas City Police Department was able to discover an increase or a decrease in the level of police patrol had no significa ...
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