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The Connection Between Diabetes And Suburban Sprawl

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Running Head: THE CONNECTION BETWEEN DIABETES AND SUBURBAN SPRAWL 1 The Connection between Diabetes and Suburban Sprawl Name Instructor Institutional Affiliation Date THE CONNECTION BETWEEN DIABETES AND SUBURBAN SPRAWL 2 The connection between diabetes and suburban sprawl has been critically analyzed in the episode from the YouTube documentary. The primary focus of the episode is on being cardependent sprawl more specifically in different areas of our lives such as work, shopping, and living which are all distanced from each other. In the video, it has been described as triangle effect. In other words, the increase in the triangle effect has a direct impact on our lives and influences obesity as well as type II diabetes. Because we are always traveling to and from different places in our cars, this has a direct impact on type II diabetes as depicted in the episode. The type II diabetes as also been highlighted in the episode as adult-onset diabetes but can also affect children. In the episode, several communities have been mentioned. The communities have been encouraged in the episode to rely on public transport, cycle, and walk more as this is healthy for them. The environment in which we live and the activities we associate it contributes a great deal to our health (Ewing et al., 2014). This episode highlights several health behaviors related to our environment which in essence affects the health and well-being of individuals. From our class discussion, it was evident ...
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