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Beginning Development Of Global Strategies

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Running Head: MARKETING STRATEGIES Marketing Strategies Institution Date 1 2 MARKETING STRATEGIES Marketing Strategies Globalizations of businesses have become an important concern as worldwide communications grow. Globalization is the process of doing a particular business known worldwide, and through being known, the industry gets more profits because more people in the global markets buy goods from that business company (Beck 2018). Before a firm enters the global market, that is establishing new markets in foreign countries; there are several regulations that a company has to meet so that it can be allowed to export its goods to that specific country. Some states have strict regulations such that, only a few foreign companies that can afford to establish their products in their markets. The purpose of having these regulations is to protect their environments and their local companies among many other reasons. For instance: Why should resources be a concern in a global strategy? Resources should be a critical concern in a global strategy because globalizing a company requires substantial funds for various purposes which include marketing the company in the new foreign countries, funds for starting up the business in the new global markets, and also funds to pay for licenses (Laanti, Gabrielsson & Gabrielsson 2007). Before a new product is known in the market, advertisements of the product have to be done, and the publications can be done through the national Media li ...
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