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Assessments And Instructional Technology

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Running head: ASSESSMENTS AND INSTRUCTIONAL TECHNOLOGY ASSESSMENTS AND INSTRUCTIONAL TECHNOLOGY Savior C. Wright University of the Rockies 1 ASSESSMENTS AND INSTRUCTIONAL TECHNOLOGY 2 Abstract The determination of the learner’s mastery and comprehension of content is important in any learning activity. This paper comprises of the techniques of assessing the learners’ understanding or comprehension of the concepts about e-learning using a procedural model. In addition, the paper also captures the critique of one of the instructional technology that is applied in learning to achieve the instructional objectives. The goal of these assessment techniques and the critique of the instructional technology is to outline the best ways of ensuring that the learning process is effective as per the instructional objectives. ASSESSMENTS AND INSTRUCTIONAL TECHNOLOGY 3 Introduction The assessment of the leaners is one of the key ways of gaging the learner’s comprehension and understanding of the content covered during a learning process. This is very important in any learning process since, without any assessment, the instructor may not understand the progress of his or her learners and the possible mechanisms or strategies to employ. In most cases, the commonly used assessment techniques include the provision of assignments, the offering of quizzes, offering periodic exams, provision of conceptual tests, use of concept maps, assessing group work, etc. All these techniques pr ...
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