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Solutions for Wireless Security Issues

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liLab Grading Rubric Category Points Description Introduction 5 Introduce the objective and goal(s) for the report. Scenario 1 Types of Antennas 5 Discuss how changing the antenna type affects signal spilling and provide a recommendation. Relocation 5 Discuss how relocating an access point affects signal spilling. Power Level 5 Discuss how changing the power level affects signal spilling. Prevention 5 Discuss alternate method(s) used to prevent signal spill. Scenario 2 Implementing Security 5 Discuss primary methods for implementing security, along with advantages and disadvantages. Recommendation 5 Recommend security method. Scenario 3 Rogue Access Point 5 Determine location of rogue access points. Conclusion 10 Include a minimum of two paragraphs that summarizes your learning and concludes your accomplishments in the lab. Total 50 A quality paper will meet or exceed all of the above requirements. Introduction: Answer all the questions in red, conclusion, and References. This lab presents three scenarios that a network administrator will encounter with their wireless LAN segments. You are the network/security administrator for your company and must resolve each of these scenarios by using your knowledge, assigned readings, and appropriate research. These scenarios support this week's TCO: TCO 8: Given a business case study of a wireless network, develop and apply appropriate security-related measures. iLab Instructions Scenario 1 1. Review the image below. It pro ...
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