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Human Resources Management Components.edited

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Computer Science
Northwestern Polytechnic University
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Human Resources Management Components
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Human Resources Management Components
Discuss the key components of human resource management. Then, pick at least four
concepts from chapter nine and describe how these concepts interrelate to individual
performance on a team.
In the business environment, firms must implement measures that improve the
performance witnessed in the workforce. Human resources management offers the ideal platform
for coordinating the operations executed within the business setting, focusing on empowerment
and employee appraisal. Human resources management is comprised of numerous components
and concepts. This discussion outlines the four main components: recruitment and selection,
salary and wage administration, career management, and training and development
(Kozlovtseva, 2020).
These components play a crucial role since they shape the employee`s performance
patterns and outcomes within the business environment. These components form the ultimate
foundation for evaluating the corporate needs while assessing the workforce's capacities. For
example, training and development allow businesses to boost employee capacity and
productivity through knowledge provision. Career development improves the chances of the
employees advancing their education and employability within the job market. The recruitment
and selection process allows businesses to empower the workforce by hiring capable employees
(Nyberg, Cragun & Schepker, 2021). The salary and wage administration improves the abilities
to boost the employees' performance within the corporate setting. Improving corporate
performance is accomplished through workforce empowerment and motivation.

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Running Head: HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT COMPONENTS Human Resources Management Components Name: Institutional Affiliation: Date: 1 HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT COMPONENTS 2 Human Resources Management Components Discuss the key components of human resource management. Then, pick at least four concepts from chapter nine and describe how these concepts interrelate to individual performance on a team. In the business environment, firms must implement measures that improve the performance witnessed in the workforce. Human resources management offers the ideal platform for coordinating the operations executed within the business setting, focusing on empowerment and employee appraisal. Human resources management is comprised of numerous components and concepts. This discussion outlines the four main components: recruitment and selection, salary and wage administration, career management, and training and development (Kozlovtseva, 2020). These components play a crucial role since they shape the employee`s performance patterns and outcomes within the business environment. These components form the ultimate foundation for evaluating the corporate needs while assessing the workforce's capacities. For example, training and development allow businesses to boost employee capacity and productivity through knowledge provision. Career development improves the chances of the employees advancing their education and employability within the job market. The recruitment and selection process a ...
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