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Anatomy planes and surface anatomy sample question without answers

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I. Anatomical Planes and Anatomical Terms 1.) Is the structure in which the functions of life occur? 2.) Focus on a specific part, area or region? 3.) Study of the body’s organ systems that workout together to carry complex functions? 4.) It emphasizes aspects of bodily structure, function and stresses clinical application? 5.) Vertical plane passing longitudinally through the body and it divides the body into right and left halves? 6.) Vertical plane passing through the body parallel to the median plane? 7.) Vertical plane passing through the body at right angles to the median plane and it divides the body into anterior and posterior parts? 8.) Horizontal planes passing through the body at right angles to the median and frontal planes and it divides the body into superior and inferior parts? 9.) Runs lengthwise or parallel to the long axis of the body or any of its part? 10.) Slices of the body or its parts that are cut at right angle to the longitudinal axis of the body or any of its parts? 11.) Slices of the body or its parts that are not cut along longitudinal and transverse sections? 12.) Structures occurring on one side only? 13.) Paired structures having right and left me ...
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