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Running head: PATHOPHYSIOLOGY DISCUSSION RESPONSE PATHOPHYSIOLOGY DISCUSSION RESPONSE Name Institution 1 PATHOPHYSIOLOGY DISCUSSION RESPONSE 2 Cellulitis refers to the bacterial infestment of the deep layers of the skin causing potential serious infection beneath the skin. Discussion 1 The clinical manifestation present in this case includes both observable that can be physically seen by a medical doctor and subjective one that can be depicted from the patient’s exposure to the modest strain on the injury. The Soleus, Tibialis Anterior, the Gastronomies and the Extensor Digitorum Longus are affirmed to likely be the muscles affected in this case (Center, 2011). The muscles are likely to be offset and can be depicted from the subjective observation of the symptoms and behaviour of the patient Both observable and subjective data is important in evaluating the symptoms of a patient as it gives detailed information of the patient's experience and period of illness or injury. Based on Mrs G subjective data, shows a time span of at least three days since the injury, it also asserts that she hasn’t been having a proper meal making it easy for the practitioners to formulate the best course of treating her. Her diabetic case is escalated by these factors thus contribute to slow healing of her wounds. Factors present in the situation that has been deemed to delay wound healing include non-compliance of diabetic patients in maintaining their healthy blood glucose levels and he ...
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