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Gear pump

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Continuity equation - The continuity equation states that the mass flow that flows through a system
remains constant. = · ρ=c ·A = constant
Nozzle - a mechanical device designed to control the characteristics of a fluid flow as it exits from
an enclosed chamber into some medium.
Diffuser - a device which slows down fluid. That means, velocity of fluid decreases with increasing
Conservation of energy - principle of physics according to which the energy of interacting bodies
or particles in a closed system remains constant.
Bernoulli's principle - Bernoulli's principle provides essential understanding in the consideration of
fluid energy machines. It correlates energies present in a flow.
Work machines (Pumps/ventilators/fans/compressors) -these convert a mechanical rotational
movement into the fluid's pressure energy or velocity kinetic energy. The structural design takes
account of the required pressure ratios and mass flows as well as the size and direction of the
Power machines (turbines) - these convert pressure energy or velocity kinetic energy into
mechanical energy. As with the work machines, pressure ratios and mass flows are critical variables
that determine the structural design.
For experiment #2, entitled Gear Pump Performance Test”, even though the class was not
able to perform the said experiment for gear pumps. We were still able to define and describe a
gear pump and what are its types. We also determined how it works and what are the limitations
of the pump based on the pressure.

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For this experiment, there was no actual experiment but there was a video provided on how
the experiment will be done. In addition, it was also shown on how to operation the gear pump.
These things all helped in answering the questions that was included in the experiment.
1. What is a gear pump?
It is a type of positive displacement pump, it helps move fluid by t moves a fluid by
repeatedly enclosing a fixed volume using interlocking cogs or gears, transferring it mechanically
using a cyclic pumping action and It delivers a smooth pulse-free flow proportional to the
rotational speed of its gears.
2. What are the types of gear pump?
There are two types of gear pump, these are internal gear pump and external gear pump.
First is the external gear pump which operates on the same principle but the two interlocking gears
are of different sizes with one rotating inside the other. The larger gear is the rotor and the smaller
gear is called the idler This is designed to interlock with the rotor such that the gear teeth engage
at one point. A pinion and bushing attached to the pump casing holds the idler in position. A fixed
crescent-shaped partition or spacer fills the void created by the off-center mounting position of the
idler and acts as a seal between the inlet and outlet ports. The second type is the external gear
pump is consisting of two identical, interlocking gears supported by separate shafts. Generally,
one gear is driven by a motor and this drives the other gear, also called idler. In some cases, both
shafts may be driven by motors. The shafts are supported by bearings on each side of the casing
3. What are the applications of gear pump?

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I. KEY TERMINOLOGIES Continuity equation - The continuity equation states that the mass flow that flows through a system remains constant. ṁ =ῡ · ρ=c ·A = constant Nozzle - a mechanical device designed to control the characteristics of a fluid flow as it exits from an enclosed chamber into some medium. Diffuser - a device which slows down fluid. That means, velocity of fluid decreases with increasing pressure. Conservation of energy - principle of physics according to which the energy of interacting bodies or particles in a closed system remains constant. Bernoulli's principle - Bernoulli's principle provides essential understanding in the consideration of fluid energy machines. It correlates energies present in a flow. Work machines (Pumps/ventilators/fans/compressors) -these convert a mechanical rotational movement into the fluid's pressure energy or velocity kinetic energy. The structural design takes account of the required pressure ratios and mass flows as well as the size and direction of the connections. Power machines (turbines) - these convert pressure energy or velocity kinetic energy into mechanical energy. As with the work machines, pressure ratios and mass flo ...
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