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Criminal JUstice

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I agree with you. For people to change after being taken in a prison setting, they
need alone time. Through that, they will be in a position to recollect and think through
their activities. Through that process, they identify their mistakes and know what they
should do differently in the future. Therefore, overcrowded prisons may not create a
conducive environment to achieve such.
Additionally, overcrowding in prisons may also lead to mental health illnesses.
That plays a role in negative peer pressure, thus increasing the rates of violence,
self-harm, and suicide (Smith, 2015). In overcrowded prisons, the inmates do not
receive all the services in totality. Thus, they may start developing mental illnesses
are they are not accorded the care that they should. That has contributed to the
increasing rates of suicide in prisons globally.

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1 Running Head: REPLY REPLY Student’s Name Institution Date REPLY 2 Hello, I agree with you. For people to change after being taken in a prison setting, they need alone time. Through that, they will be in a position to recollect and think through their activities. Through that process, they identify their mistakes and know what they should do differently in the future. Therefore, overcrowded prisons may not create a conducive environment to achieve such. Additionally, overcrowding in prisons may also lead to mental health illnesses. That plays a role in negative peer pressure, thus increasing the rates of violence, self-harm, and suicide (Smith, 2015). In overcrowded prisons, the inmates do not receive all the services in totality. Thus, they may start developing mental illnesses are they are not accorded the care that they should. That has contributed to the increasing rates of ...
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