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Arab cultural gap in health care

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Cultural Gap In Delivering Healthcare Service To the Arab American Population In
The United States
Student’s Name
Intuition Name
Course Name
Instructor’s Name

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Arab American population is the most affected group in the American health care
system. The group remains affected due to the existing cultural gap in the American health
care system and Arab Americans. This research is aimed at analysing how culture can affect
the provision of quality health care services. The research aims to assess Arab American
behavior that affects the provision of quality healthcare services to the Arab population in the
United States. The paper suggests that American health care providers deliver their services
based on the existing assumptions towards the nature of Arab American residents. Moreover,
the gap exists because the American health care standards remain unknown to the Arab
American residents. Therefore, based on these facts, the study suggests that better health care
awareness sessions and campaigns should be considered to enhance awareness of American
health care practices and how they are delivered.

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1 Cultural Gap In Delivering Healthcare Service To the Arab American Population In The United States Student’s Name Intuition Name Course Name Instructor’s Name Date 2 Abstract Arab American population is the most affected group in the American health care system. The group remains affected due to the existing cultural gap in the American health care system and Arab Americans. This research is aimed at analysing how culture can affect the provision of quality health care services. The research aims to assess Arab American behavior that affects the provision of quality healthcare services to the Arab population in the United States. The paper suggests that American health care providers deliver their services based on the existing assumptions towards the nature of Arab American residents. Moreover, the gap exists because the American health care standards remain unknown to the Arab American residents. Therefore, based on these facts, the study suggests that better health care awareness sessions and campaigns should be considered to enhance awareness of American health care practices and how they are delivered. 3 Cultural Gap in Delivering Healthcare Service to Arab American Population in The United States Introduction The cultural gap in the United States limits the provision of quality health care services to patients. This is because the United States has diverse cultures from various minority groups, including but not limited to Latino, Hispanic, and even the blac ...
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