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Running head: THE FUTURE OF WORK 1
SOC FP1200
The Future of Work
Capella University
Automation in the 21st Century
In the past 20 years the world has seen a drastic increase in the use of technology in our
personal lives as well as in the workforce. As technology and artificial intelligence (AI) become
more refined, we are bound to see an increase in certain jobs becoming automated in the near
future. According to the Expert Panel, Forbes Technology Council (2019), the following jobs
will most likely be automated by the year 2030.
Warehouse jobs these positions generally require repetitive tasks that can be
performed more efficiently by robotics. Additionally, the implementation of robotics
would also cut down on human error and workplace injuries.
Banking and Retail Checkout for many years now customers have had the
opportunity to utilize self service options such as self checkout or an ATM. As AI
and technology get better, these options will eventually replace the need for bank
teller or store cashiers.
Trucking industry the world has already seen the implementation of self-driving
vehicles. This form of automation can revolutionize the trucking industry by
removing truck drivers and replacing them with self-driving vehicles. This would
reduce labor, reduce risk of vehicle collisions, and increase efficiency and
Jobs Resistant to Automation

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Even though automation has become a big part of the workforce these days, and will
continue to become more prevalent, there are certain jobs that will be difficult to fully automate.
According to Kurt (2020), the following jobs are more resistant to automation:
Healthcare Workers
Social Workers and Counselors
Computer Systems Analysts
Jobs that require personal contact, hands-on experience, or a high level of creativity are much
safer from being taken over by automation. AI has become extremely advance as of lately, and
will only get better, however it still lacks the ability to display human emotion. This is one of the
reasons why healthcare, teachers, and counselors would be a difficult job for them to take over.
Lastly, the more computers, robotics, or AI in the world there has to be someone to fix these
things when a problem arises or continue to innovate and make them better. This is why jobs
such as computer analysts will never go away.
My Career Impact
I personally work in a financial institution and as mentioned above these are one of the
industries that are being impacted by automation. Majority of our job role has become
automated. We have self-service ATM’s, mobile or online banking, and if a member wanted
to see a teller we have machines that do all the counting and thinking for us. However, even
though we role out many self-service options, there are still members who prefer a “human
touch” and opt to see a team member versus taking advantage of self-service. Therefore, the

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Running head: THE FUTURE OF WORK 1 SOC FP1200 The Future of Work Capella University Automation in the 21st Century In the past 20 years the world has seen a drastic increase in the use of technology in our personal lives as well as in the workforce. As technology and artificial intelligence (AI) become more refined, we are bound to see an increase in certain jobs becoming automated in the near future. According to the Expert Panel, Forbes Technology Council (2019), the following jobs will most likely be automated by the year 2030. • Warehouse jobs – these positions generally require repetitive tasks that can be performed more efficiently by robotics. Additionally, the implementation of robotics would also cut down on human error and workplace injuries. • Banking and Retail Checkout – for many years now customers have had the opportunity to utilize self service options such as self checkout or an ATM. As AI and technology get better, these options will eventually replace the need for bank teller or store cashiers. • Trucking industry – the world has already seen the implementation of self-driving vehicles. This form of automation can revolutionize the trucking in ...
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