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Quiz 5 terms in power and industrial plant engineering

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FIRST SEMESTER, AY 2012-2013 QUIZ NO. 5 TERMS IN POWER AND INDUSTRIAL PLANT ENGINEERING I. IDENTIFICATION _______________1.0 The heat released when a substance is changing from liquid to solid. _______________2.0 The part of the energy from the pressurization of a gas or a liquid converted to heat. _______________3.0 A device that transfer heat from one substance to another. _______________4.0 The trade name for refrigerants manufactured by E.I. DuPont de Nemours & Co. Inc. _______________5.0 The change of state of water from a liquid to a solid. _______________16.0 Refrigerants that contain halogen chemicals, R-12, R-22, R-500 and R-502 are among them. _______________17.0 A device (made of low-melting temperature metal) used in pressure vessels that is sensitive to low temperatures and relieves the vessel contents in an overheating situation. _______________18.0 An electrical safety device normally located in a furnace that burns and opens the circuit during an overheat situation. _______________19.0 A fine mesh or porous material that removes particles from passing liquid. _______________20.0 The unit of capacity of a capacitor. _______________ 6.0 The movement of fluid by mec ...
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