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Running head: DIFFERENCES BETWEEN MANAGING AND LEADING Differences between Managing and Leading Student’s Name Institution 1 2 DIFFERENCES BETWEEN MANAGING AND LEADING Differences between Managing and Leading Many people usually do not understand the difference between leaders and managers. Typically, leaders are understood to be the heart of every business or organization where they exist. In these organization, the essence of leadership implies that the followers would be inspired to unite and come together to achieve a common goal. In addition, leaders have the ability to motivate, encourage as well as work with other people so as to keep them bonded together and keen to achieve greater results or move forward. Leaders implement this by leading through setting feasible goals and direction, effectively communicating the goals they have set for their followers. They also strive to keep their followers psyched in the event that they land in trouble or experiences tough times. On the other hand, manager as commonly referred to as the business’s brains. They have adequate skills to establish organizational or business systems, develop rules as well as organizational operating procedures. The manager also engages in developing an incentive plan for their subject or employees. In the case of business managers and business management, the subject matter is largely about the business and not the people as in the case of leadership that relies on people to get things done. ...
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