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Cyber Security

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Running head: CWFA Cyber Security Student’s Name Professor’s Name Course Title Date CWFA 2 Introduction Recently, one of our senior IT employees ceased working with us and has since joined a government agency. While we cannot be sure the information he has, he was part of the team working on our internal program to catalog and track individuals globally working for governments and working within water rights. Due to the sensitive nature of that information, I feel the need to implement a few changes to our system just to alleviate security although the person in question has not breached the system and we are not sure on whether he has disclosed any information to his new colleagues. The IT team is set to change passwords and redesign firewalls so as to ensure that no one from outside can access our information. We encourage all individuals, especially those working on that particular project, to change their passwords and ensure that they have strong passwords. With the board’s approval, we intend to change passwords to our cloud servers and change the encryption key for the data we already have. Although we have a strong firewall, we intend to change our anti-virus just to change our firewall so that if someone had found a gap that we are not aware of in our current system, we can now lock them out for good (Elmaghraby & Losavio, 2014). Most of us already use two-step verifications when making online bank transactions. We are borrowing something from the banks an ...
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