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Cuyamaca College
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Art Journal
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Art Journal
Describe which artwork/s or segment/s made strong impressions upon you while watching
the film. You are not limited to just one.
While watching the documentary, “History of Sculpted Women,” an artwork that had a
strong impression on me was the statue of Alison Lauper. Apart from this sculpture, the Venus
de Milo and the Ibeji twins of Nigeria also caught my attention due to each artifact's uniqueness
and significance.
How did the artwork/s or segment/s make you feel and/or think of?
These three artworks had a strong impression on me since each affected my thoughts and
feelings. To begin with, Alison Lauper's statue made me appreciate and recognize the efforts
taken towards equality since mounting the sculpture at Trafalgar Square shows increased
recognition for vulnerable groups. Regarding the Ibeji twins, these sculptures astonished and
spooked me after comprehending the meaning and rituals associated with the art pieces. For
instance, since the artworks represent dead twins born at childbirth, hearing that one of the
family members must bathe and clothe the sculptures creates the impression that Yoruba people
believe in magic and supernatural powers. Due to this, it is understandable why Waldemar
Januszczak, the narrator, refers to the artworks as “fierce little sculptural munchkins, half god,
half baby” (Perspective, 2020, 20:42-20:49). Lastly, concerning Venus de Milo makes, the statue
makes me think of the life-like nature and beauty of ancient and popular Greek statues I have
seen before, such as David.
Did this film open your eyes or challenge your views regarding the female form in any

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1 Art Journal Student’s name Department: Institution Course Title: Course Name Professor’s name Date 2 Art Journal Describe which artwork/s or segment/s made strong impressions upon you while watching the film. You are not limited to just one. While watching the documentary, “History of Sculpted Women,” an artwork that had a strong impression on me was the statue of Alison Lauper. Apart from this sculpture, the Venus de Milo and the Ibeji twins of Nigeria also caught my attention due to each artifact's uniqueness and significance. How did the artwork/s or segment/s make you feel and/or think of? These three artworks had a strong impression on me since each affected my thoughts and feelings. To begin with, Alison Lauper's statue made me appreciate and recognize the efforts taken towards equality since mounting the sculpture at Trafalgar Square shows increased recognition for vulnerable groups. Regarding the Ibeji twins, these sculptures astonished and spooked me after comprehending the meaning and rituals associated with the art pieces. For instance, since the artworks represent dead twins born at childbirth, hearing that one of the family members must bathe and clothe t ...
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