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CHAPTER ONE : Overview of Science and the Study of Human Behavior
SCIENCE defined as an accumulation of systematic knowledge based on facts.
FACT is regarded as an empirically verifiable observation.
THEORY refers either to the relationships between facts or to the ordering of terms in some meaningful
HUMAN BEHAVIOR refers to the range of behaviors exhibited by humans and which are influenced by
culture, attitudes, emotions, values, ethics, authority, rapport, hypnosis, persuasion, coercion, and
- Business organizations are made up of people interested in other people.
- Concern for the people who sell insurance, man machines, take down notes and type
correspondence, keep records, supervise people who manage the activities of corporations, big
and small, always involve a study of human behavior.
- Management is constantly trying to understand and influence the mental processes of others
and the only access we have on the mental process of others is through a study of their
- Arises from the fact that more and more leaders of business and industry are coming from the
ranks of college graduates.
- Leadership in business is becoming more demanding and the person without a college degree
may be handicapped in his efforts to rise to higher positions of responsibility.
- Knowledge of principles of human behavior will help one acquire understanding, skills and
desires which will prepare him to work with others with increasing cooperation, understanding
and effectiveness.
1. Statement of the Problem
o Begins with defining and searching the problem, expressing it in explicit and concrete
o Includes the limitation of the scope of the problem and formulation of a hypothesis.
2. The Research Design
o Generally involve the following steps:
(1) determining the type of data needed: whether primary or secondary,
(2) identifying the source of data,
(3) selecting the methods generally used in the study of human behavior are: analytic or
documentary, experimental, survey and case
(4) choosing the subject or formulating the sampling plan
o The researcher can proceed recording the secondary data, processing and analyzing the
data gathered.
3. Obtaining Information and Gathering the Data
Data may be obtained through four methods:
a. Direct Observation
Involves making direct, critical and systematic observation of actual behavior
pattern in a given situation.
A researcher can make direct observation of behavior as a participant or non-
participant observer.
b. Verbal Reports
Used to measure covert behavior such as attitudes, feelings, opinions and

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This maybe in form of oral interviews or written questionnaires.
The preparation of the questionnaires and interview schedule requires the
proper phrasing of the questions and its standardization also demand great skill
on the part of the researcher in order to obtain adequate and accurate
c. Test and Inventories
Psychologist sometimes use standardized batteries of psychological tests and
inventories to evaluate some problems in hiring, training, and promoting of
The forms that ask the subject fairly direct question about himself are usually
termed inventories. examples: “ what do you often do during the leisure time?”,
“ do you like movies?”, “ do you enjoy reading novels?”
The term “test” usually refers to the subject performance in a task as scored and
evaluated by an investigator unlike the interviews which are more interested in
securing information on some event or topics, test and inventories are
concerned with measuring and evaluating certain personality traits, intellectual
abilities and other aptitudes.
d. Secondary Data or Library Materials
The investigator makes use of written records such as data provided by the
Bureau of Census and Statistics, Life Insurance records, school records, court
proceedings, published materials such as diaries, autobiographies, biographies
and other publication such as magazines, periodicals and newspaper.
4. Processing the Data
o This will involve grouping or classifying data into meaningful categories which may be
done quantitatively or qualitatively.
o Coding is a technical process by which raw data are transformed into symbolic or
numbers that may be tabulated.
o Tabulation is a systematic method of counting similar replies and adding them in an
accurate and orderly manner. This may be done manually or by machine such as
electronic calculators or computerized instruments and devices.
5. Analysis and Interpretation
o There are two basic methods of analyzing data:
Correlation determines what is average or typical and finds out the extent of
diverse behavior and others.
Inferential Analysis the process of determining the meaning of evidence by
reflective thinking. It is in this method where one user’s logical syllogism or
inferences based on data obtained.
6. Writing the Final Report
A written research report generally includes the following:
1. Statement of the problem
2. The research design
3. Analysis and interpretation of findings
4. Summary, conclusions, and recommendations

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CHAPTER ONE : Overview of Science and the Study of Human Behavior SCIENCE defined as an accumulation of systematic knowledge based on facts. FACT is regarded as an empirically verifiable observation. THEORY refers either to the relationships between facts or to the ordering of terms in some meaningful way. HUMAN BEHAVIOR refers to the range of behaviors exhibited by humans and which are influenced by culture, attitudes, emotions, values, ethics, authority, rapport, hypnosis, persuasion, coercion, and genetics. WHY STUDY HUMAN BEHAVIOR - Business organizations are made up of people interested in other people. - Concern for the people who sell insurance, man machines, take down notes and type correspondence, keep records, supervise people who manage the activities of corporations, big and small, always involve a study of human behavior. - Management is constantly trying to understand and influence the mental processes of others and the only access we have on the mental process of others is through a study of their behavior. - Arises from the fact that more and more leaders of business and industry are coming from the ranks of college graduates. - Leadership in business is becoming more demanding and the person without a college degree may be handicapped in his efforts to rise to higher positions of responsibility. - Knowledge of principles of human behavior will help one acquire understanding, skills and desires which will prepare him to work with others with increasing coopera ...
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