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Reflection 6 Revised Definition Of Religion

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Reflection 6 - Revised Definition of Religion
Original definition:
Religion is a set of organized beliefs, practices, and systems that often serves and worships a
god or deity. Religion is not only limited to a set of beliefs but is also entails service to its
members and others simply define religion as a way of life.
Revised definition:
Religion is a social-cultural structure of prescribed policies and attitudes, morals, belief
systems, ways of thinking, texts, consecrated places, scriptures, principles, or institutions that
connects humanity to mystical, sublime, and spiritual health; however, there really is no
academic agreement on accurately what actually entails. Different religions may not even
incorporate a variety of aspects, including the supernatural, sacred objects, belief, a
supernatural being or creatures, or "some type of intimacy and transcended that will supply
rules and authority for the rest of existence." Religious beliefs could include rituals,
preaching, remembrance or adoration, tributes, feasts, celebrations and meditations.
I have changed the definition because religion is a broad set of cultural, social and spiritual
values and beliefs, and all these ought to be incorporated in its description.

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Reflection 6 - Revised Definition of Religion Original definition: Religion is a set of organized beliefs, practices, and systems that often serves and worships a god or deity. Religion is not only limited to a set of beliefs but is also entails service to its members and others simply define religi ...
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