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Data Comm Lab 9 Final

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Lab 9: Frequency modulation. Lab9:Frequency modulation. Laboratory Report for CMET417 Department of Electrical Engineering Date: Name: 1 Lab 9: Frequency modulation. Abstract: In this experiment, the Emona DATExis used to generate a real FM signal using the VCO module. Also, we will use a sinewave to observe the spectral composition of an FM signal in the time domain. Project Description: The first part of the experiment is using the Emona DATEx to generatea real FM signal through VCO module and set up the VCO module to output an unmodulated carrier at a known frequency. Second part is observing the effect of frequency modulating its output with a square wave then speech. Also,we will use the speech signal to demonstrate the effect that a message's amplitude has on an FM modulator. Finally, we will use a sinewave to observe the spectral composition of an FM signal in the time domain. Theoretical Background: Preliminary discussion A disadvantage of the AM, O5B5C and 55B communication systems is that they are susceptible to picking up electrical noise in the transmission medium (the channel). This is because noise changes the amplitude of the transmitted signal and the demodulators of these systems are affected by amplitude variations. As its name implies, frequency modulation (FM) uses a message's amplitude to vary the frequency of a carrier instead of its amplitude. This means that the FM demodulator is designed to look for changes in frequency instead. As such, it ...
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I was struggling with this subject, and this helped me a ton!


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