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Alcoholism Among College Students

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Alcoholism Among College Students
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As discussed in the previous assignment, the population of interest, in this case, is college
students, and the public health issue is alcohol abuse. Research indicates that at least 80% of
college students in the United States consume alcohol (Galbicsek, 2021). Most of these
individuals binge drink, and this has an impact on their social and individual lives. It affects their
education and their health. This is a critical public health issue, and as such, different measures
need to be implemented to prevent and manage college alcoholism. The suggested measure to
encourage treatment among the targeted population is capitalizing on an integrated and optimal
treatment plan that best suits the college students.
A policy that will potentially help improve outcomes and quality of care for the college
students regarding this particular issue is for colleges and communities to de-emphasize alcohol
consumption and create positive expectations at colleges. The environmental changes at the
campus help nurture positive student behaviors. It is essential to note that while in some cases
students may need clinical treatment, the environment in which they live may help them
overcome their addiction. An environment that de-emphasizes alcohol consumption tends to
discourage such behaviors. This, therefore, encourages a combination of different treatment
methods and consequently better patient outcomes. This policy encompasses specific
components such as the focus on behavioral therapy that will lead to quality care and improved
There are distinct ways that colleges and communities can effectively implement the
proposed policies. For instance, colleges can choose to avoid college events sponsorships by
alcohol retailers. Sponsorships by such organizations tend to encourage on-campus binge
drinking for students under and above the legal drinking age. Campuses can also restrict alcohol

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Running Head: ALCOHOLISM AMONG COLLEGE STUDENTS Alcoholism Among College Students Student name: Institutional affiliation: Course: Date: 1 ALCOHOLISM AMONG COLLEGE STUDENTS 2 As discussed in the previous assignment, the population of interest, in this case, is college students, and the public health issue is alcohol abuse. Research indicates that at least 80% of college students in the United States consume alcohol (Galbicsek, 2021). Most of these individuals binge drink, and this has an impact on their social and individual lives. It affects their education and their health. This is a critical public health issue, and as such, different measures need to be implemented to prevent and manage college alcoholism. The suggested measure to encourage treatment among the targeted population is capitalizing on an integrated and optimal treatment plan that best suits the college students. A policy that will potentially help improve outcomes and quality of care for the college students regarding this particular issue is for colleges and communities to de-emphasize alcohol consumption and create positive expectations at colleges. The environmental changes at the campus help nurture positive student behaviors. It is essential to note that while in some cases students may need clinical treatment, the environment in which they live may help them overcome their addiction. An environment that de-emphasizes alcohol consumption tends to discourage such behaviors. This, therefore, encour ...
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