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Structural equations were used in this study to evaluate the causal relationship between
the variables. A total of 553 survey results were gathered from the chosen millennial tourist in
Davao. Data were obtained at the Davao City Airport pre-departure area and selected major
tourist destinations in the Davao area.
The findings showed that the tourist attitude, the tourist inspiration, the social media, the
tourist visit purpose, and the tourist behavior were all classified moderately high. The purpose of
tourist visits was closely associated with tourist behavior. In the meantime, tourist visit purpose
and tourist attitude have been the strongest indicator of tourist behavior, while tourist
motivation and social media seem to be the least indicators. The implications of these results can
be used to improve the attractiveness of tourism destinations.
The Millennium is recognized as the new generation of the tourism markets, who are
active travelers, showing trends, motivation, and insight from their views and behaviors.
Therefore, it is difficult to analyze tourism activities because tourists change their preferences,
desires, needs, and wants from time to time (Loureiro & Kastenholz, 2011). Exploring the
behavior of millennial tourists in every tourist attraction and activities can improve every tourist
to fulfill their needs and can be used by providers and other related agencies. The study is useful
in understanding the tourist's millennial behavior because it helps to clarify where, why, and how
tourists schedule and organize their trip by evaluating the attitude, inspiration, effects of social
media, and desire to travel. The way in which tourists select tourism products should be studied
on an ongoing basis in order to better recognize, acknowledge and support the characteristics
and beliefs of this generation if they want to develop and sell relevant goods and services that
adapt to them and satisfy their needs.
Almost all millennial accounts on various social networking platforms and travel
companies also use social media to advertise tourist destinations. Social media thus play a big
part in stimulating the millennial tourist travel schedule. Most tourists in the millennium do more
research with ten sources on average before planning on the travel (Swartz & Huf, 2017).
It has been found that almost all the millennial has recorded their experiences through
social media, focusing mainly on humorous, unusual, inspirational or creative content which can

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SUMMARY Structural equations were used in this study to evaluate the causal relationship between the variables. A total of 553 survey results were gathered from the chosen millennial tourist in Davao. Data were obtained at the Davao City Airport pre-departure area and selected major tourist destinations in the Davao area. The findings showed that the tourist attitude, the tourist inspiration, the social media, the tourist visit purpose, and the tourist behavior were all classified moderately high. The purpose of tourist visits was closely associated with tourist behavior. In the meantime, tou ...
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