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Virtual Communication

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1 Stakeholders Impact in Virtual Organizations Stakeholders impact in virtual organizations Student name Course title Instructor’s name Date 2 Stakeholders Impact in Virtual Organizations A virtual organization is one that works virtually without any specific location or in any one physical space. Stakeholders are people who can positively or negatively impact the performance of the organization. They can either be internal or external and are directly affected or could be affected by the company procedures and policies, actions and objectives. Some of the stakeholder’s in a virtual organization comprises of organization’s employees, customers/clients, suppliers, creditors, directors and investors among others. Employees form a virtual team and they work remotely for the organization, for instance sales representatives may be located in different geographical locations (Cascio, 2005). The key success factor for this employees to work effectively is the ability to interact in an effective manner despite the fact that they don’t see their colleagues on a regular basis. Customers/clients form another major stakeholders and virtual communication plays a key role in the service delivery. Clients that are spread in different locations and place or request for goods virtually will be affected by the tools used in communication and therefore effective tools that are user friendly and secure should always be considered. Suppliers of raw materials or the much needed input p ...
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