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Prototypes Influence The Opinions Of Potential Users

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Computer Science
Cumberland University
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Prototypes Influence the Opinions of Potential Users
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Prototypes Influence the Opinions of Potential Users
How do prototypes influence the opinions of a potential user?
Largely, prototypes are utilized in communication, exploration, refinery, evaluation of
various design outcomes, and user feedback. Therefore, prototypes play a role in enabling the
concrete demonstration of the future offer and generating substantial benefits before the service
is fully launched. This is possible by gathering the reviews, statements, and recommendations
from potential customers (Murphy, 2018). There is a need for proper placement of the various
components in enhancing user-friendliness, thus enhancing the resource's usability. Therefore,
depending on how well the prototypes are delivered to the users and the user needs they are met
to satisfy, the users are likely to give various opinions on the final product.
Is there a method you have studied in the academic literature that neutralizes potential
users' opinions of an end-product?
User confusion of the prototype is a common way for the potential users to neutralize
their opinions on the prototype. At times, the prototype is not a final product. The consumers
may have higher expectations of the final product only to know that it does not match their
expectations. In such a scenario, a user who had waited for the final product due to how they
positively and perfectly perceived the prototype may lose interest in the product. Therefore,
when they lose interest, their opinions are going to be neutralized.

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1 Prototypes Influence the Opinions of Potential Users Name of Student University Course Date 2 Prototypes Influence the Opinions of Potential Users How do prototypes influence the opinions of a potential user? Largely, prototypes are utilized in communication, exploration, refinery, evaluation of various design outcomes, and user feedback. Therefore, prototypes play a role in enabling the concrete demonstration of the future offer and generating substantial benefits before the service is fully launched. This is possible by gathering the reviews, statements, and recommendations from potential customers (Murphy, 2018). There is a need for proper placement of the various components in enhancing user-friendliness, thus enhancing the resource's usability. Therefore, depending on how well the prototypes are delivered to the users and the user needs they are met to satisfy, the users are ...
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