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Culture Of Poverty

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Running head: CULTURE OF POVERTY Culture of poverty Name Course Institution Professor Date 1 CULTURE OF POVERTY 2 Culture of poverty According to the film, the Puerto Ricans have faced challenges in their daily lives, and this has affected the way in which they live. The film states that structural factors have facilitated the growth of poverty among the immigrants. On the other hand, individual characteristics also determine whether they become rich or poor in their lives (Tileston & Darling, 2008). Social inequality, on the other hand, has made it possible for most of the Puerto Ricans to become poor. Despite the application of the anti-poverty programs, it is clear that poverty continues to affect a large population of the immigrants especially those living in the suburban regions. The Puerto Ricans believed that they should receive the assistance from the various bodies as a way of ensuring that they have better lives. As a result, most of them did not work hard enough to acquire the basic needs that would improve the living standards of their families (Jensen, 2009). This is different from the family in which I grew. In my family, working hard at all times determined lon ...
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