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International Business

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Running Head: INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS: WAL-MART IN MEXICO International Business: Wal-Mart in Mexico Institutional Affiliation Date 1 INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS: WAL-MART IN MEXICO 2 Establishing a foreign business in a foreign country is not easy (Importance of International Business, 2018). Mexico is a diverse and cultural country that needs a lot of convincing. Some of the strategies that Wal-Mart used were seizing new opportunities that enabled the franchise to explore and exploit the massive distribution network. It is no doubt that Wal-Mart is thriving in Mexico bringing in annual sales of over $8billion.Wal-Mart carefully studied the international business strategies Regarding entering a new market, such as Wal-Mart with Mexico, including observing the foreign investment policy and culture, regulate the environment, have a strong business presence in the region, adhering to the tax environment, considering the international arrangement and following up with the up-to-date tax regulatory updates. For instance, under observing the foreign investment policy and culture, Wal-Mart was able to identify the proving ground for talent and innovative ideas. Wal-Mart provided a chance for fresh ideas all the while investing on the grounds (Walmart in Mexico, 2018). Through Nafta, Wal-Mart has been able to have a strong presence in the region as it was a doorway to an expanding market through the United States, Canada, and Mexico. Under tax environment and following up with the i ...
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